Monday 5 March 2012

Camp by Jason

At camp we did lots of activities like Kayaks, Balance Island, Water Slide, Flying Fox, Rafts, Water Confidence Course and Trolleys. I liked the Balance Island because when we did the race I sort of couldn't balance on it properly. Andrew fell off his Kayak which was pretty funny. My favourite activity was the Water Slide because when you slide down it goes kind of fast. When we did the Water Slide it was a hot day which was nice to be in the cold water. When I was waiting for another turn, it was cold, so I wrapped myself with my towel to keep me warm.
Camp was a lot of fun.


  1. Yay for the water slide!!

  2. Yes camp was a lot of fun

    1. yeah i want to go back to camp!

  3. did andrew fall of his kayak

  4. When I fell off i crashed into the rafts.
